Course Content
What is Region 3?
A brief overview of what Region 3 is and how it relates to the USS Corsair.
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association 101
A quick run down of the USS Corsair's parent organization. We'll be doing a deeper dive into it in another course.
USS Corsair Basics
A super simple high level overview of how the USS Corsair is set up
Welcome Aboard the USS Corsair and STARFLEET
About Lesson

**The USS Corsair: Where Every Trekker is Welcome (Even the Ones Who Can’t Name All the Planets)**

Ahoy, fellow space enthusiast! Welcome aboard the USS Corsair, the pride of STARFLEET, The International Fan Association (SFI)! Our crew is scattered all over the great state of Louisiana, which means our resourcefulness rivals that of a replicator with a short circuit.

Sure, we orbit around the fantastical world of Star Trek, but let’s be real: our love for sci-fi and fantasy is broader than a Klingon’s forehead! We drool over any universe where the spaceships might just launch us straight into a post-apocalyptic karaoke night.

We run our starship both online (because, clearly, we all are highly advanced nerds) and in-person. When we gather—be it at a local diner or at a sci-fi fest—you can bet your phaser it’s all about fun and maybe a classic game of “how many times did Captain Kirk break the Prime Directive?”

Fictionally speaking, we’re cruising the cosmos on an Ambassador class Cruiser, NCC-26556, proudly assigned to the Third Fleet. Our mission? To boldly go… well, wherever someone’s got snacks! The USS Corsair has had its fair share of unforgettable encounters (fictional and real), and we’re ready to add more to our collection—right after we finish this pizza! Thus, we proudly declare our motto: “Boldly Geauxing!”

Thank you for joining and together we’ll make this starship the quirkiest in the fleet!

This course is meant to give you a quick tour of STARFLEET International, Region 3 and the USS CORSAIR before you dive in and start having fun.