Course Content
What is Region 3?
A brief overview of what Region 3 is and how it relates to the USS Corsair.
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association 101
A quick run down of the USS Corsair's parent organization. We'll be doing a deeper dive into it in another course.
USS Corsair Basics
A super simple high level overview of how the USS Corsair is set up
Welcome Aboard the USS Corsair and STARFLEET
About Lesson


Commanding Officer(CO)

Reports the club activities monthly to
STARFLEET. Apprises the crew of happenings in STARFLEET.

Executive Officer (XO)
Responsible for chapter personnel, conflict resolution, and overall chapter administrative duties. Stands in for CO as situations require.

Second Officer
Creates the monthly agenda for the business meeting.Helps with maintaining the event calendar.

Command Staff
Command Staff: The Command Staff is the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Second Officer and Division Chiefs. They will be setting the overall policies for the USS CORSAIR, and troubleshooting any problems/questions general members may have.