Course Content
What is Region 3?
A brief overview of what Region 3 is and how it relates to the USS Corsair.
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association 101
A quick run down of the USS Corsair's parent organization. We'll be doing a deeper dive into it in another course.
USS Corsair Basics
A super simple high level overview of how the USS Corsair is set up
Welcome Aboard the USS Corsair and STARFLEET
About Lesson

At the heart of STARFLEET is our wonderful community of members, who come from all corners of the globe and bring a rich variety of backgrounds and experiences. The next step in our journey is the formation of Chapters—a fantastic way for SFI members to come together, share, and collaborate on activities they enjoy. Each Chapter can be thought of as a starship or space station, just like in the Star Trek movies and shows we all love, and it’s led by a passionate Commanding Officer (CO).

As we move up the organization, STARFLEET is divided into geographic Regions or Fleets, each wonderfully guided by a Regional Coordinator (RC). At the top of our structure is the Executive Committee (EC), which helps oversee the services and initiatives that keep our international family connected and thriving. According to Article 5 of our Bylaws, the governing body of STARFLEET, called the Admiralty Board (AB), is made up of all the amazing RCs working hard for our community. Article 6 clarifies that the EC serves as the corporate officers of STARFLEET.

To keep things running smoothly and fairly, all policy decisions are made with input and approval from the AB, while the EC takes care of how those decisions are put into action. This clear division of responsibility ensures that everyone’s voice is heard and valued, with each member of the AB advocating for the interests of their respective Regions and, by extension, all of STARFLEET.

We also want to maintain the positive spirit of our organization, so STARFLEET reserves the right to refuse service or suspend, cancel, or revoke memberships if actions or behavior don’t align with our community values. Together, we can keep STARFLEET a friendly, welcoming place where everyone feels inspired and included!