Course Content
What is Region 3?
A brief overview of what Region 3 is and how it relates to the USS Corsair.
STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association 101
A quick run down of the USS Corsair's parent organization. We'll be doing a deeper dive into it in another course.
USS Corsair Basics
A super simple high level overview of how the USS Corsair is set up
Welcome Aboard the USS Corsair and STARFLEET
About Lesson

What is Region 3?
Region 3 is a division of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan
Association, Inc. (“STARFLEET”). STARFLEET has established that
Region 3 consists of the states of Louisiana and Texas , and
Region 18 temporarily. All STARFLEET Members who are based on
a chapter that resides in Region 3 and any STARFLEET Members
who are Unassigned Members and live in Region 3 are Region 3