The USS CORSAIR has upgraded its website with more functionality! It’s been a few years since we’ve updated and we wanted to make it more of a ‘home’ for our crew and stowaways.
Upgrades include:
- Monthly Captain’s Log on Home Page
- Crossposting of USS CORSAIR, Region 3, and STARFLEET news including newsletters and announcements (Home Page)
- Quicklinks to file your activities, take courses at STARFLEET Academy, USS CORSAIR’s Orientation course, bylaws, and USS CORSAIR Quartermaster(Crew HQ)
- Event Calendar now allows you to RSVP! Click through to see the full post (including directions!) and RSVP. You can also get an email reminder. We’re working on other ideas to help with event planning (Home Page)
- There’s an “Easy Button” to sign up for STARFLEET, Region 3, and USS CORSAIR social media accounts, Discord, and STARFLEET Departments like Medical, Petfleet, and Sciences. (Crew HQ)
- Uniform Guide for the USS CORSAIR
- Want to start an away team? There’s now a request form! (Crew HQ)
- As we start doing more face-to-face activities, we’ll be posting pictures of our Away Missions.