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USS CORSAIR Brings Home the Bling!

The USS CORSAIR and crew were recognized for excellence at the recent Region 3 Summit held in Beaumont, Texas. Among the awards

  • Apogee (Electronic Media/website)-The USS CORSAIR’s Website received this for providing its members timely information and also helpful instructions on getting the most of their STARFLEET memberships
  • Junior Member of the Year – CDT SSGT Edward T. IV  Excerpt from his write up “Eddie has been quietly in the background supporting the mission of the USS CORSAIR while juggling a busy academic schedule…3.2 GPA and the majority of his classes are AP or Dual Enrollment with Louisiana State University. As part of the Parkview Baptist Marching Band, he has drummed over 500+ hours performing at practices, football games, concerts, and pep rallies…Vice President of Junior Classical League. He has coordinated the design of the club’s t-shirt/sweatshirts including sales of the product. As a charitable activity they sold popcorn during lunch hours to buy livestock for families in Africa.They were able to donate over $100 to this cause.”
  • Officer of the Year – CMDR Gail P. Excerpt from her write up “Instrumental in keeping the operations of the USS CORSAIR running smoothly and focused on the enjoyment of Star Trek…Her work has been invaluable in increasing communication across departments, encouraging members to be recognized for their efforts, and processing promotions in a timely manner…a strong advocate for community service aboard the USS CORSAIR. She’s been collecting donations for a raffle for Relay For Life. She attends their virtual meetings to keep the chapter informed. “
  • Flag Officer of the Year – Edward T. III Excerpt from nomination “If you were to looking for a person in STARFLEET who has a positive attitude and goes above and beyond to make the organization better…uses his talents with video production to help support STARFLEET’s goals to improve communication and entertain the membership…ensured that even though we were unable to meet face to face regularly, there were new frontiers for members to enjoy and interact with one another. One of these activities, the Monday Night Trivia Gaming has proved to be so popular it has moved to the Region 3 Discord Server.”

Click Here for a Complete List of Winners

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