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Scouting Party Reaches the Stars-and Planets!

Crewmen Gary and Eddie went to two separate events to learn more about the stars and our solar system. Stargazing in the Irene W. Pennington Planetarium, LASM. This interactive presentation allowed them learned more about the stars, constellations, and what is in the Baton Rouge sky for stars in the local nighttime sky. Crewman Gary explained, “I love the calm setting and learning about different stars in our solar system. Learning how to identify the big and little dipper. Learning where to find the north star and learning about red, yell, blue, and white stars.” He recommended it for a future USS CORSAIR outing, as it held on Saturdays. The second excursion was to Highland Road Park Observatory to celebrate Astronomy Day! This event is a part of the worldwide celebration of all things related to astronomy, physics, aeronautics and the American space program. Participants get to view the sun, moon, stars, and other constellations throughout the evening. There were venders from the Baton Rouge zoo, ham radio operators, EBR Library, etc. The St. George Fire Department was on hand to provide information on fire safety for the kids. Crewman Gary said, “I enjoyed talking with staff about the type of telescopes used for viewing. Certain lens have to be changed to observe different points of the moon and sun. The crew would be interested in attending this even in the future for space exploration and education.” Excellent job, Away Team! Thanks for letting us know what’s out there.