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Region 3 Summit March 2021 Update

Note: The Summit in Beaumont has been postponed until June 2022. 


The STARFLEET Region 3 Summit Hotel, Holiday Inn & Suites in Beaumont, Texas,  is now accepting reservations. Texas and Louisiana STARFLEET members getting together with KAG and the IKV Logh Veng June 3-5 of 2022. The Summit theme is “Klingons” and will feature discussion panels about these Star Trek adversaries turned allies. Other highlights include Region 3 Award Announcements, updates on what is happening in STARFLEET, room parties, gaming, Starfleet Marine Dress Mess, Costumed dinner, and lots of opportunities to interact with other Star Trek fans.

To make your room reservation, click here: Holiday Inn & Suites in Beaumont, TX . The Group code is SSF. Room rates are:

Kings or Doubles: $95.00
Corporate Suites: $105.00
Executive Suites: $115.00
Rates do not include 15% occupancy tax
To Register for the Region 3 Summit (with a special discount for signing up early!) Go to the Summit Website.