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Returning to Normal Operations-May 2021 Crew Update

We had our May Crewmuster on May 27, 2021 1900 Hours on Discord. The USS CORSAIR will meet in person again and has several away missions planned to see movie, throw axes, and attend conventions.

Download the Agenda.

Here’s a summary:
Commanding Officer Report-VADM Trisha:

  • Continuing to reach out to EBR Jones Creek Library to see if meeting rooms are available. Sydney will swing by and verify. June’s meeting will be IN PERSON but broadcast on USS Corsair’s Discord. We will need an in person moderator to facilitate questions so we don’t over-talk one another.
  • Crewman Armando was featured on Take3! Click to see the show! Time code 5:24
  • Need a Yeoman or two to help keep the Calendar of Events updated. CMDR Gail and Crewman Armando volunteered. VADM Trisha to send directions.
  • The USS CORSAIR’s first convention for 2021 will be Louisiana Comic Con!  We have 5 tickets for those who can dress in uniform and help out at the table. Headliner is Doug Jones from Star Trek Discovery! Dates/location August 28 & 29, 2021 – Cajundome Convention Center – Lafayette, LA
  • St Tammany Toy and Collector’s Convention is October 9th at the Castine Center in Mandeville. Anyone who wants to get in with us for free to help with the information table is welcome. Uniforms/cool Trek attire is recommended.
  • May 29th, VADM Robert of the USS BEIGNET is leading an away mission to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi for the grand reopening.
  • The virtual Region 3 Summit has been moved to July 10th.
  • We’re going to be getting the band back together in NOLA and Lafayette. Will reach out to everyone in those areas to help them plan local events now that everything is opening up again.

Executive Offer Report-CAPT Sydney

Second Officer Report-CMDR Gail

  • Relay for Life-Will accept donations at in-person meetings next month and we can start selling tickets! Let’s raise some $$$ for the American Cancer Society. Still no firm date for the actual event though.
  • Boxtops for Education is online and easier to do than ever. We’re supporting Cadet Antonia’s school.
  • Sep 8 is the 55th anniversary of Star Trek so we need to do something. The “Something” will be a potluck September 11th at the Park.

Sciences Report-CAPT Charlene

  • Still floating above water
  • Game Day hoping to restart July 24 , 2p, either Gamer’s Paradise or Coffee Call

327th MSG OIC Report-LGEN Edward

  • Please don’t forget we have online Gaming and Watch parties Mondays and Wednesdays. Love to see a strong turnout for those.

Red Shirt Suggestions:

Crewman Julia mentioned a new comedy club opening up near her. Will look into it to see if we can do an away mission there.