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January 2021 Crew Muster Highlights

Missed the January 28th meeting? Here’s the rundown

Clicky Click here for the complete agenda and a list of upcoming events

Commanding Officer Report


  • Status remains unchanged for Face-to-face activities. COVID rate is still too high locally and weather is too iffy (and cold) for outdoor. Agreed to touch base in Feb meeting to see if we want to have a monthly outdoor meeting at local park pavilion.
  • Livingston Parish Library Comic Con is coming up in Feb 22-27. Trisha’s interview will be posted on Feb 25th. There is also Star Trek and Star Wars trivia on Feb 26th @ 7PM.
  • Reminder that we’re still doing regular trivia games and video viewing parties every week.
  • Gave tour of new website, made notes on areas of improvement necessary for readability.
  • St. Tammany Comic Con in April is a probable NO GO for an information table due to COVID
  • CyphaCon is now virtual.

STARFLEET Region 3 news

  • The Region 3 Summit in Beaumont is still on for June! Please pre-register at the website.
  • Regional Coordinator nominations will be open in March. CO will reach out to Command Staff and interested parties for who we will nominate. Please let Trisha and Sydney know if you’re interested in serving on this committee.
  • Regional Coordinator is doing a monthly “Take 3” news show every month. Ed has been putting it on our calendar of events as a reminder.
  • Yearly awards are due soon. Trisha will put USS CORSAIR in for Chapter of the Year, but need recommendations for individual awards.


  • New Database is still non-functional. There’s drama. Until then, please forward your STARFLEET Academy certificates to info AT and back up your awards and past coursework.
  • STARFLEET AMA and After Dark sessions continue weekly.

Executive Officer Report:

  • W-2/Tax Season-very busy! Send Romulan Ale please.
  • List of expired members in Discord. If you need help to renew, please use the contact form.

Ship Services Report:

  • Please be sure to send Gail your activities so you can get credit for them! Especially since we’re not doing volunteer activities together as a group right now, we need to know your individual contributions. This is easy now with the new website. We have a fill in the blank form Clicky Click here to access!
  • Relay for Life-We will need to set up special page on website so we can set up with pictures of raffle baskets. Which means we need crew to go out and get donations! To sign up to be on TEAM CORSAIR go to this link right here.
  • Charity Circle -GM Boxtops are now digital.

Life/Sciences Report:

  • Cautiously reentering the great unknown of Louisiana Society

STARFLEET Marines-327th

  • Been coordinating Jackbox Games every Monday night and Viewing parties on Wednesdays.
  • We can do Among Us on Mondays if we have more people.
  • Artemis Bridge Simulator is another game we can do as well online, but need to coordinate. Can do with other STARFLEET Chapters as well!
  • Marines-reminder! There is an ongoing challenge issued by the Third Brigade. Help us win by playing games together.
  • There is a limit for the USS CORSAIR Quartermaster site of 8 items. Ticket is in with the vendor to resolve.
  • Roleplaying is still happening first Saturday of the month.

Next Crew muster is Feb. 25th!