Commanding Officer’s Report-VADM Trisha
- R3 Summit/STARFLEET International Conference-Split decision on Conferences this year! The Region 3 Summit will be in person in June and the International Conference will be virtual in August.
- Region 3 Conference 3-6, 2022, Holiday Inn & Suites in Beaumont, TX, co-hosted by the USS Endurance and the USS Zavala. Theme “Klingons”.
- STARFLEET Virtual Conference August 13,2022
- Please remember to submit your Mission Briefings for community service and other activities. We’re logging this time in the chapter’s monthly status report. The form can be found here
- Big event in March-Livingston Library ComicCon on March 5th from 10A-2P. Love to have a good turnout to honor Klingons and Star Trek. We’ll be doing a panel on “Klingon Basics” and setting up an Assimilation Booth (STARFLEET information table). Promises to be a fun day. Event is family friendly. Please wear uniform, polo, or Star Trek t-shirt.
- Now that we’re doing more away missions, events are piling up! We’re posting them in Discord, Facebook Groups, and on the USS Corsair’s main website. We will have one event a month as a Mission of the Month that is a ‘don’t miss’ activity that we hope everyone can make and we have a large away mission team.
- The chapter will issue new business cards. There will be a space on them to place your name/contact info. Please note, contact info must be in compliance with STARFLEET Data Protection and Privacy standards. We’re able to issue vanity email forwarders upon request. Email
- Final piece of Orientation will be Marketing and Recruiting Classes. Look for those in the next month.
- Please remember to log your steps for the STARFLEET Challenge. Link is on discord under #Sickbay Channel.
- Escape Room Away Mission in July-Stay tuned!!
Executive Officer’s Report-CAPT Sydney
- Been in Sickbay for most of the month, doing better now. Hated to miss the Ice Cream Crawl.
- Make sure to renew your STARFLEET memberships! Complete list is on the agenda in Discord.
Second Officer’s Report-CMDR Gail
- Took trip to Georgia with Chief of Sciences, had a great time!
- Remember, still collecting Boxtops through phone app, Community Coffee labels, etc.
- Relay for Life in Hammond-have no real details on it for this year, it’s not looking good. ☹
- Ice Cream Crawl was fun! We made it to two of the places on the list until we needed real food. We’ll do it again.
Chief of Sciences Report-CAPT Charlene
- Georgia was awesome!
- Game Day is the 4th Saturday of every month at Gail’s house. Please email for directions/address.
327th Marine Strike Group Report- LGEN Edward
- Roleplaying continues on, please email me if you want more information.
- We’ve rebranded our Monday Night online trivia to “USS CORSAIR presents: Region Three/Third Brigade Monday Night Gaming”. Turnout has been at an all time high allowing us to play more games.
- Southern Board Game Festival is March 19-20 in Lafayette.
- We have an information table at St. Tammany Toy and Collector’s Show in April.