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Crew Meeting July 28 2022

Commanding Officer’s Report-VADM Trisha

  • Will post Mission Briefing on Away Team’s outing to NOMA once Gail forwards pictures.
  • STARFLEET ELECTION TIME! If you haven’t renewed, you still have until August 1st to take part in this election. Current members-Please be sure your email is correct in the STARFLEET Database so you receive your ballot. Once ballots are sent out, I’ll let you know, and if you didn’t receive one, I will assist to make sure that you’re able to vote. Remember, our goal is to have at least 50% chapter participation in voting! There are FOUR candidates for Commander of STARFLEET. The links are below for their webpages and the main STARFLEET Election Facebook group page. There’s also a dedicated channel on STARFLEET’s Discord Server.
  • NEW STARFLEET Data Protection Policy Recertification Exam Available! These are required for Command Staff and others with elevated access to the database to see the roster. Login to STARFLEET Academy’s website and take exam “SFDPP 2022-2023 Data Protection Recertification”. Failure to do so, means you will lose your access.
  • Assimilation Booth at Mid-City MicroCon @EBR Main Library on Goodwood! This convention is held on August 6th and 7th. We will be having an information table there and we will highly encourage masking. HIGHLY. Table workers please arrive at 9AM on Saturday to help set up the table. Close of the convention is 5PM. We can leave our items in place. Sunday, please arrive at 1PM and tear down is at 6:30pm.
  • Louisiana ComicCon is a GO! Oct 1 & 2 in Lafayette. Table workers are needed! We do have a limited number of free tickets. We decided to do a panel about Star Trek’s current state. (This ain’t your Mama’s Star Trek!)

Executive Officer Report-CAPT Sydney

  • RENEW! List of people due to renew is in the Agenda and on Discord under the #agenda and minutes channel.
  • Trivia Contest update: Haven’t heard back from the organizer of most of the trivia nights around Baton Rouge. Best bet is to pick a day of the week, see where trivia is offered, and decide where we want to go. Armando said he would ask a friend about trivia nights because there is a LEAGUE. Good list can be found on 225 Magazine’s website.

Second Officer-Ship’s Musician Report-CMDR Gail

  • Relay for Life Tangi-#RIP. We need to find another Relay.
  • Charity Circle-please report if you donate any Boxtops, Community Coffee labels, etc.
  • Atoz Book Club-on hold until more people can make it.

Science Officer’s Report-CAPT Charlene

  • No Game Day for July, next one is August 27th.

327 MSG Report-LGN Edward

Temporal Specialist Report-CRMN Gary

  • Captain’s Dinner at El Magey Mexican Buffet Restaurant is this Saturday! All the details are here
  • Suggestion for future event in 2023-Infinity Science Center Trish will reach out to the Region 2 RC to see if they want to make it a joint event.