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Crew Meeting October 28 2022

Location-Online USS CORSAIR Discord Server

Commanding Officer’s Report-VADM Trisha

  • Please remember to vote in the STARFLEET elections. Deadline to vote is November 15th. The Inspector General has a helpful video to explain what ranked voting is and how to cast your ballot.
  • Have you turned in all your Away Mission Briefings? Not sure if you should turn in a Mission Briefing, check out the Merit Awards and see if it fits into any of them. If it does, then YES! Here’s the link to the list of Merit Awards and their descriptions.
  • St. Tammany Toy and Collectors Convention. Email if interested. Table workers please be there between 8:30a and 9a on Saturday for table set up and to carry in items for the table. We will be going with a standard set up, uniform top, brochures, a few props we can rotate from display. Saturday-please wear a uniform if you have one, if not Star Trek tshirt/polo.
  • Holiday Dinner will be November 19th, 7PM at the Smiling Dog. Awards/Promotions will be handed out! Ed/Trisha will follow up with them about reservations. Afterwards, Charlene will be hosting a Game Day.
  • Lafayette Away Team is up up and away! ENS Zac W has taken charge and is scheduling a get together for November 20th. The away team is also designing a logo to represent them.
  • Welcome new members CRR Chris G and CRR John R!
  • 2023 Plans-We will be creating a membership handbook and as part of this, everyone aboard will be assigned a duty station. Job descriptions will be posted on the website and in the handbook. The first two critical ones that need to be filed are Retention Officer and Orientation Officer (aka ‘Bridge Buddy’).
  • Last episode of Season 3 Lower Decks and First episode of Prodigy are on Paramount+! Be sure to catch them!

Executive Officer’s Report-CAPT Sydney

  • Trivia Night was fun! Hope to coordinate a Star Trek/Star Wars trivia night in 2023. If interested, please let me know.
  • Please renew! Complete list is on Discord. Reminder emails will come from USSCORSAIR AT GMAIL DOT COM.

Second Officer’s Report-Commander Gail

  • See agenda for all the items you can turn in to help charities and earn promotion points!

Science Department-CAPT Charlene

  • Game Day after the Awards Dinner on November 19th. Either we’ll stay at the Smiling Dog or go to Coffee Call.

327th Marine Strike Group OIC GEN Edward

  • Next Episode of CORSAIR Chronicles December
  • RenFest outing in Lafayette area in January. Lafayette away team already discussing attending.
  • The USS CORSAIR was featured twice in STARFLEET NEWS. One was PO3 Armando giving a tour of Louisiana ComicCon and the other was our Ship’s Computer Bonnie singing.

Temporal Specialist ENS Gary T

  • Planning on a movie outing for Black Panther 2-Wakanda Forever for the Opening Friday night. Still waiting for times to be posted by Celebrity Theater.