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Crew Meeting Notes September 29 2023


Next Meeting will be on the USS CORSAIR Discord Server’s Observation Lounge October 26, 2023 @7PM.

Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha


  • STARFLEET Membership dues are going to increase to $10 January 1, 2024. You can renew early and for multiple years. If you can’t afford the increase, there will be a one time grant you can apply for. Discussion at meeting after reviewing Committee report is that the price increase is justified.
  • STARFLEET News Now premiered on Sunday. If you missed it, it is on YouTube at
  • STARFLEET QM will be offering Polos and custom badges along with the Challenge coins.

Region 3 Summit was a lot of fun. Ed, Trisha, Gary and Eddie attended. Very busy weekend of networking, dinners, and panels. Talked to the CS quite a bit about his future plans for STARFLEET.
RADM Davis is asking for feedback on the Summit from those who attended.
We have a new Regional CFO (Rob H, USS ZAVALA) and Regional QM(Mike B, USS RAPTOR). Right now, items are being sent to new QM and then will go on sale on
We are looking for a new Webhosting service for Any suggestions?


Please check out the Task List. We will need assistants in all areas, so if you want to help, just ask or fill in your name on sheet.
Sydney and Charlene want to form a Crochet and Knitting group on the CORSAIR! They would swap patterns, create items for sale for charity/friends, and attend craft events.
Sydney will take the lead in preparing the Region 3 Summit 2026 bid. If you would like to help out, please contact her
Do we want to reorder the metal badges from England or the new ‘STARFLEET’ ones from the QM? Decision made to price both options.

Executive Officer Report-CAPT Sydney

List of Renewals due posted on Discord. Gary has also emailed reminders directly to members.
Game Day-other places to enjoy gaming
East Baton Rouge Library Grown Up Gaming League

Second Officer Report-CMDR Gail

Please continue to collect items for charity-for information see agenda
Volunteering at JazzFest Thu, Apr 25, 2024 – Sun, May 5, 2024. Gail’s Band has a booth (with cover and place to sit down, free canned drinks!) and if you work so many hours, you get into JazzFest for free. This rain(or monsoon) or shine. Will add to CORSAIR schedule next year.

Sciences-CAPT Charlene

For 2024 We will be moving Game Day at Dairy Queen to either the 2nd or 3rd Saturday
Really want to get Arts and Crafting again.
Movies-please see agenda for write ups! Will be going to see the Creator

LTJG Gary-Membership Services/Event Coordinator
Reached out to soon to be expired members. Been having good success! Thanks for renewing!
Boo at the Zoo-we will be stuffing bags October 7th-getting directions on where to enter the Zoo at 9AM. Decided to NOT do the costumed Boo at the Zoo event this year, instead next year when we can get morning shift for easier parking
USS CORSAIR Awards and Movie-everyone will suggest ONE Movie, show (available on Paramount Prime) and we will go off of that for our play list. List of Pizzas are

GEN Edward T.-327 Marine Strike Group OIC

RPG on Sunday 03SEP at 1930hrs

FLEET CAPT Gregg K-Ship Librarian

Link is