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Crew Meeting Notes May 25, 2023

EBR Jones Creek Library and USS CORSAIR DISCORD

Next Meeting will be June 22, 7PM on USS CORSAIR DISCORD ONLY.

Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha

  • Chapter Promotions-Congratulations to CRR Lana G! By taking and passing OTS WITH HONORS (WTG!) you’re promoted to the rank of ENSIGN!
  • Welcome new member CRR Ryan G!
  • Chapter Polos-Lazy Nerds did get back to me (at last!) but then didn’t get me the samples of the polos materials. (sad trombone). Sydney said she can get a price if I got her graphics on T-shirts and new member CRR Ryan G said he has a connection as well. CO will follow up with both to see if we can get this nailed down.
  • Region 3 will have a new Regional Coordintor June 1st. Good luck Jason Davis! I will be his VRC. We’re looking forward to holding more events on and off line that will bring chapters together.
  • STARFLEET has a new membership handbook. Highlights-new displinary policy (it’s streamlined and more timely, and designates the AB as the final appeal stop), only one VRC per Region, and the rank of Fleet Capt will be eliminted and repurposed as a job title in Corps of Engineers and other departments. (more to come on that)
  • STARFLEET would like to designate an official charity for the organization-The Planetary Society. This was founded by Carl Sagan and supported by many Star Trek/Sci Fi Stars.Gail pointed out the CORSAIR supported this organization’s Kickstarter in the past. Overall feedback at USS CORSAIR meeting was positive.
  • STARFLEET Database news-BuddyPress wasn’t able to handle the large customizations (and the number of members) STARFLEET has, so they are back to MARS-the database Tony and his wife have put together. They are starting functional configuration (pages to be able to log in, checking to see if data can be queried, etc)
  • Chapter Discussion-How to improve attendance at events? We’re getting the word out through Mailchimp emails, posting events on Facebook. May need to go back to doing videos? We had better response with Star Trek meetup but that is VERY expensive.

Executive Officer Report
CAPT Sydney

Section Chief Reports

  • Member Services: Lt Gary
    Emailed members for STARFLEET renewals for May 2023
  • Ship’s Librarian : CAPT Gregg
    Has been tied up with real world work but working on devising a reading challenge.
  • Medical Project Specialist: Lt Edward B
    May is mental health awareness month. Articles posted on the sickbay channel to bring awareness.

Away Team Lafayette-
*Need to select charity for Star Wars vs. Star Trek Bowling

2nd Officer Report

  • Relay for Life Tangi is disbanded. Went over other options-best one is possibly Ascension Parish. However this could be a 24 hour one. Will get more info for next meeting.
  • Don’t forget to fill out Mission Briefings for promotion and awards.


  • Saw Guardians of the Galaxy 3-This is Rocket’s origin story, so is it extremely graphic at times. NOT FOR KIDS! Will be seeing Little Mermaid tomorrow (Friday)
  • Game Day had Gail and I playing games at Dairy Queen on South Sherwood.

Event/Member Services
Lt Gary

    • 6/3-InfiniCon-Mississippi. We’ll be helping out Region 2 chapters with a STARFLEET Information table and enjoying the hands on exhibits/displays. There’s also a tour of the facility. For those setting up, please be there by 8:30A. Otherwise, event starts at 10A and runs until 2P. Wear uniforms if you have them!
    • 6/17-Main Events, Mall of Louisiana 2PM. Please RSVP to so we know how many people will be bowling.
    • 7/8-Fill The Shuttlepod for Cat Haven! We’ll be at the WalMart at the Siegen Marketplace accepting donations for Cat Haven.
    • 7/22-Star Wars vs. Star Trek Bowling for charity at Rock n’Bowl in Lafayette. We need as many people as possible to show up for this event! If you have a uniform, we wear them for the pictures, then change into casual clothes.

327th Marine Strike Group
*Jackbox Gaming Monday nights on Region 3 Discord Server
*Next Roleplay is TBD