Jones Creek Library
Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha
- I have created a new Crewmember Datapad in Linktree that has all the links to fill out Mission Briefings, Department Reports, Event suggestions and other handy websites. URL is posted in Discord Channel.
- Next meeting will be ON DISCORD April 27th-7PM
- Reminder-May GEN Ed and I will be mostly unavailable.
- STARFLEET Information Systems announced there was a violation of STARFLEET Data Protection Policy. Full explanation will be in the next CQ
- There are new STARFLEET Data Protection Policy Exams available. If you have taken the exam in the past year, you are GOOD TO GO. You don’t need to retake. However, if you are due (or overdue), please sign up and take it ASAP. This is a RED ALERT and will be strictly enforced both by myself and STARFLEET
- Region 3 Regional Coordinator Elections-USS CORSAIR has nominated RADM Jason Davis, CO USS Masamune Website
- Please RSVP for Events on Discord
- Uniforms-Two BIG opportunities to wear them this summer, would like to have matching ones Strange New Worlds era? Cosermart has them for under $50 in most sizes.
- For those that want to help out, there are lots of openings in STARFLEET.
- Please remember if you haven’t joined the Discord server, please request an invitation.
- While at Louisiana ComicCon, found new vendor for Polos that is local in MidCity. Trying to get ahold of them to work out arrangements.
- STAR WARS vs STAR TREK BOWLING IS BACK! Gary will have all the details.
Executive Officer Report-CAPT Sydney
- Member Services-Gary
8 people renewed, 3 are inactive
Submitted a number of suggested activities. - Mission Briefing Specialist – Zack
Welcomed Christina as active member of Lafayette team at Louisiana Comic con - STARFLEET Academy Gordon
- Congratulated members for passing courses on discord.
- Ship’s Librarian – Greg
Completed 2 coursed in SFA and am looking to restart reading challenges. - Medical Project Specialist – Edward B
Posted new edition of Hypospray on #sickbay tab. Encouraged men to participate in Men of Starfleet
Medical Challenge. - Orientation officer – Ashley
Helped member renew.
2nd Officer Report-CMDR Gail
- Please fill out the Mission Briefings to get awards and promotion points!
- Game Day is in Rouge at the Dairy Queen on South Sherwood this Saturday. Form has been filled out for the dates for the rest of the year.
- Will be getting with Ship’s Librarian to develop reading challenge and other literary stuff.
Science/Life: CAPT CeeDee-Game Day is this Saturday. Nothing else to report
Event/Member Services: LTJG Gary
- Get those event requests in!
- Presentation on Community Service and how the USS CORSAIR can get involved. Agreed to move forward with research and get some items on the calendar. Having everyone in matching uniforms would be a plus for pet supply and food drives.
- LOTS of events approved. Confirmed Star Wars vs. Star Trek Bowling for July 22nd in Lafayette. Gary will confirm with 501st and work with Zack for local charity. Trisha has contact info for GM of Lafayette Radio Station
327th Marine Strike Group: GEN Edward T.
- Roleplaying is TBD.
- JackBox Gaming is every Monday night at 8PM on the Region 3 Discord Server