Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha
- Welcome CRR Chris L!
- Star Wars vs. Star Trek Bowling in Lafayette postponed until next year.
- Please take STARFLEET Data Protection Recertification NOW. It will close on 6/30 until NEXT YEAR.
- Had a great time hanging out with Bonnie Gordon in Broussard! She’s so very talented. Did upload some of her singing on Discord for everyone to enjoy.
*Be sure to register for the Virtual International Conference coming up August 11-13
*New STARFLEET Membership Handbook will be out July 1st! Please hold off taking Officer’s Training School and Officer’s Command College until then.
*STARFLEET Department of the Month-STARFLEET TACTICAL! STARFLEET Tactical is the hub for on and offline
*STARFLEET Tactical is proud to announce that we have brought on board a group of passionate gamers who wish to assist in our mission of growing gaming within STARFLEET as well as growing the organization through gaming. We are excited to have your experience and dedication in our department.
Tabletop Gaming and Videogaming. They have their own Channel in the STARFLEET Discord Server that can help you get connected with other gamers.
Region 3 News
*Still looking for a CFO/Quartermaster, Membership Services Coordinator, and Event Coordinator. Apply directly to the R3 Chief of Staff Ken K.
*Region 3 Summit is coming up in September! Please register on There will be a lot of brass there, so don’t miss it!
*Star Trek Meetup is coming back! There will only be ONE for Region 3 at this point. Anyone wants a seperate one, it will be $30/month. We’ll see how it goes if we want to break off for a Louisiana only version.
*Region 3 now has online movie nights on Thursday!
Executive Officer Report
CAPT Sydney
Researched and can get embroidered polos. T-shirts are easy to get, just need a design to get a price.
Section Chief Reports
Ship’s Librarian : CAPT Gregg
- The Reading Challenge will be starting soon! We’ll be using the Marine Reading Challenge rules, but this is open to everybody. If you want to log your pages with the Marines, please log into the STARFLEET database and select Marine Reserve or Active.
- Medical Project Specialist: Lt Edward B
Posted the June 2023 edition of The Hypospray on the sickbay channel of Discord.Posted steps towards a healthier lifestyle for men on the sickbay channel of the discord server to continue in the theme of Men’s Health for the month of June.
Ship’s Tailor-LT David
- Top secret project is going well-very excited about it. Picked up a Klingon tunic on eBay-will be redoing it for conventions. Also 3-d printing a blaster.
Orientation Officer-PO2 Ashley
- Helped a member with STARFLEET Database issue. Welcomed new members.
2nd Officer Report
- Relay for Life- It will be March 18, 2024 at the River Parishes Community College | 925 W. Edenborne Pkwy, Gonzales, LA 70737 We can fundraise online. (NOTE THIS DATE DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH LOUISIANA COMICCON IN LAFAYETTE)
- Don’t forget to fill out Mission Briefings for promotion and awards.
- Complete Calendar of Events is under #agenda_and_minutes in the USS CORSAIR’s Discord Server.
- Science Department watched three movies on the big screen. The Little Mermaid, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and Spiderman Across the Spider Verse.
- The Little Mermaid CGI sections were seamless with the live action sections. I watched the 3D version of the movie and was very happy I did because the CGI gave the underwater scenes depth and the feel of the watcher actually being under water. I thought it was a good update to the 1989 animated version and Halle Bailey’s singing was stunning. Also, we cannot forget the villain; Melissa McCarthy was a great Ursula.
- Transformers: Rise of the Beasts the first scene establishes the timeline; year 1994, 7 years after the BumbleBee Movie. It was a good Transformer Movie with a good storyline and Transformer Fans and SciFi Fans will enjoy this prequel instatement of the Franchise. There was one storyline element introduced that I’m looking forward to seeing in future Transformer Movies. I also enjoyed the various witty remarks (quips) throughout the movie. There was one scene during the credits so be sure to stay when the credits start rolling.
- Spiderman Across the Spider Verse was okay but I enjoyed Spiderman Into the Spider Verse when Miles Morales was introduced more. Never put a baby into a movie because they always still the movie even if it is only a cameo. The best part of the movie was the twist at the end and I look forward to the next installment in the series.
- Don’t forget GAME DAY This Saturday at DQ-NOON.
Event/Member Services
Lt Gary
- Cancelling out the Star Wars vs. Star Trek Bowling-next year will be better because hopefully the Lafayette Chapter will have a few more members (and gives us more time to practice!)
- Fill the Shuttlepod is coming up! This will be for Cat Haven! July 8th, 9AM to noon. Walmart at the Siegen Marketplace. Online donation are appreciated and can go Please wear uniform or Trek shirts!
- Mid City MicroCon-They offered us a table outside. Ed/Trisha aren’t really available this weekend, and OUTSIDE IN AUGUST. We’re going to pass, instead just have the event as an away mission people can go to. Take business cards and wear your best uniform (and stay cool!)
- InfinitiCon went great! It was enjoyable to do a joint event with other chapters. Will do again next year! Thank you to everyone that came out and had fun with us!
327th Marine Strike Group
*Jackbox Gaming Monday nights on Region 3 Discord Server
*Next Roleplay is July 1st
Lafayette Away Team Update:
- ENS. Zac took responsibility for the failure in communication with his team. The following suggestions were presented to assist Zac
with remembering meeting dates: Setting an alarm on his phone, using google calendar to link scheduled meeting to phone calendar, receiving a message on the discord Lafayette channel. The crew as informed resources of the CORSAIR are available to them along with help and assistance. - The Lafayette Shuttle Crew will meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 2:00pm. Due to transportation barriers with some crew members, the crew will opt to do hybrid meetings. Even months in person and odd months on
the CORSAIR discord channel. The crew decided to use the same meeting schedule as the CORSAIR. - The crew agreed they are not in a position to participate in the Star Wars vs. Star Trek Bowing Charity. Some members suggests it was too
short of notice. CO Trisha agreed the event should be canceled and rescheduled in the future. LTJG Gary will notify the 501st and Rebel Alliance Events Garrison via email of the cancellation. - Suggestions were made for the Shuttle Crew to brainstorm on participating in local events to raise awareness about the shuttle. Southern Board Game Festival, Louisiana Comic Con, Renaissance Fete.
- Suggestions was made about having a movie night. The crew agreed to table that idea until more members are recruited.
- CO Trisha suggested dropping business cards at local comic book stores. CO will provide a box of CORSAIR business cards to the
crew for distribution. - CO Trisha informed the Shuttle Crew of the re-activation of Star Trek Meet Up. This app is being provided by Region 3 and is a way to increase success in recruiting new members. CO Trisha will provide more information as the release gets closer.
- CO Trisha advised Zac he must recertify on SFDPP to continue in a command role and to maintain access to specific information in the database. All members were advised if they wanted to hold a command role they would need to complete the SFDPP certifications.
- The crew introduced themselves to the newest member CRR Chris L.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.