In Person-EBR Jones Creek Library Meeting Room #1
Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha
- There is a new Commander, STARFLEET and Vice Commander, STARFLEET. They are hitting the ground running. The STARFLEET website is being updated (and URL’s shifted around), the next CQ will be in your email, rather then having to log into the database, and all departments are doing some reorganization and new initiatives/activities. Highlights:
- GEN Ed is now Commandant of the SFMC and I’m Sr. VRC for Region 3 and Communication Specialist-Mailchimp. That means that we’re pretty much tied up much of the time with STARFLEET stuff, so we’re asking the USS CORSAIR’s Command Staff and others to step up and handle many of the items we used to do. Who are these people…
- CAPT Sydney-XO: She will be handling Department Reports and coming up with discussion topics for meetings
- CMDR Gail-2nd Officer/Ship’s Musician: Promotion Points and Community Service Opportunities, along with the agenda
- LTJG Gary-Event Coordinator and Member Services. He’ll be reaching out to expired members to renew via email, along with direct emails to active crew to remind them of events. He’ll also be the primary point of contact for any events.
- LTC Gordon-Academy Specialist. Gordon will assist anyone with Academy questions and keep the crew up to date with the latest news from STARFLEET Academy.
- LTJG Eddie B-Medical Project Specialist-Eddie will be monitoring STARFLEET Medical Channels and letting us know what is going on. Hopefully we’ll have a steps contest this year! Look for his posts in #sickbay on the USS CORSAIR’s Discord server.
- ENS Zac-Away Team Leader, Lafayette: Zac will be organizing events locally in Lafayette for STARFLEET members to participate in. He’ll be posting in #Lafayette channel on the USS CORSAIR Discord Server.
- CMDR Jenni-Communication Specialist-Social Media. Jenni will be helping out with Facebook Group and Instagram Posts
- PO2 Armando-Communication Specialist-Social Media. Armando will moderate our Discord Server and Instagram.
- LT David G.-Ship’s Tailor. Have a uniform question? Need to build a prop? David will assist!
- New Database is coming. Really, it is. They’ve got a team on it and it should be ready to roll out in the first 100 days of their administration.
On the STARFLEET website, there is a new “Members Hub” You will find in the menus above various items and resources for the use of STARFLEET members. - The STARFLEET Scholarship Application is open! If you’re going to college/trade school, please apply. I will be glad to write a letter of reference for anyone aboard the USS CORSAIR. Last year, Julia and Armando were able to win!
- All departments are looking for help! This includes Petfleet, STARFLEET Medical, STARFLEET Sciences, etc. To see the list of openings, go to
- I will be asking people to sign a release form for pictures. A copy of this can be found at
- GEN Ed is now Commandant of the SFMC and I’m Sr. VRC for Region 3 and Communication Specialist-Mailchimp. That means that we’re pretty much tied up much of the time with STARFLEET stuff, so we’re asking the USS CORSAIR’s Command Staff and others to step up and handle many of the items we used to do. Who are these people…
- There are new requirements for the USS CORSAIR Command Staff and Section Chiefs
- All must be up to date with their certifications in STARFLEET Data Protection Policy. They are strictly enforcing this and if you’re not up to date, you cannot be on the Command Staff, as you won’t have access to the database other than your own record. There are THREE multiple choice (No essays!) exams and each takes about an hour to complete, so it doesn’t take that long to take them. They are-SFDPP 101 – SFDPP Pt 1, SFDPP 102 – SFDPP Pt 2, and SFDPP 2022-2023 Data Protection Recertification. The link for STARFLEET Academy is Directions on how to sign up and take courses are
- Command Staff & Section Chiefs must be signed up and available on the USS CORSAIR’s, Region 3, and STARFLEET Discord server. Discord has become the primary and quickest way to communicate, and STARFLEET will be leveraging this application more to distribute information. If you’re not on Discord, you will miss out on a lot of activities and crew engagement. It is the Command Staff and a Section Chief’s job to keep their team informed and to participate as much as possible to set an example and encourage other people to participate. If the volume of messages is too much, you can ‘mute’ the server and I have requested ‘quiet hours’ from 11PM to 7AM for the USS CORSAIR’s server so there aren’t any late night *ping* *ping**ping*….*ping*
- If anyone is not comfortable with these new requirements, please let me know, and we can find a new duty billet for you that doesn’t require access to the database or Discord. As a member of the Command Staff, you should want to talk to other crew and have fun with other members of STARFLEET sharing your interests and hobbies. If not, then -to be blunt-a Command Staff/Section Chief position may not be the right fit for you.
- Event Suggestion Form-All events must be entered there for approval of the Command Staff. Even if it has been reoccurring in the past, please send us the next set of dates (even the rest of the year!) so we can officially add it to the calendar. We are doing this for several reasons
- Historical archive: Makes it much easier for me to write up award nominations for people if I know what events we did!
- Make sure our calendar isn’t overloaded or there are date conflicts. I would prefer not to have three events on one day.
- I can add them on the Mailchimp Reminder that I sent out once a month and we don’t need to do a last minute frantic email out to the crew.
- Allow people to plan to attend in advance.
- There’s an APP for that! I have created two applications using Linktree to assist our current and prospective crew members. These Linktree one page websites have links to several of the most important forms, websites, etc that someone would need and can be saved as an icon shortcut on your phone. The Linktree URL’s are in the #Orientation channel on the USS CORSAIR’s Discord server.
- Next meeting will be online on the USS CORSAIR’s Discord Server Feb 23rd, 7PM
Executive Officer Report-CAPT Sydney-Out sick
2nd Officer Report-CMDR Gail-No Relay for Life-please collect Boxtops! (Hope you feel better, Gail!)
Science/Life: CAPT CeeDee-Game Day is this Saturday. Nothing else to report
Event/Member Services: LTJG Gary: Table Secured for Livingston Library and Lafayette ComicCon, please use event idea form to make it easier to approve items and get them added to calendar. Did email to current members to encourage them to attend events.
327th Marine Strike Group: GEN Edward T. Roleplay is on hold until Gail is better, every Monday night is Trivia gaming on the Region 3 Discord Server.
Medical: LTJG Eddie B: Posted several articles in #Sickbay. Joined STARFLEET Medical Facebook Group.