Location-online in USS CORSAIR Discord Server
Commanding Officer’s Report-VADM Trisha
- STARFLEET Election ballots will be arriving in your email inbox on September 1st. The Inspector General has a helpful video to explain what ranked voting is and how to cast your ballot.
- The Virtual International Conference is a wrap for this year! Next year we’re hearing it will be in person in Florida. If you missed any of the presentations (including two USS CORSAIR members winning STARFLEET Scholarships!) Go to the STARFLEET YouTube Channel
- Please get your money in to me to reserve your place in the Great Escape Room Challenge at 13th Gate September 17th, 2PM! Cost is $35.
- Have you turned in all your Away Mission Briefings? If not, you’re missing out on promotion reports and awards!
- We need information table workers for Louisiana ComicCon in Lafayette, LA October 1st and 2nd. Email info@BRStarTrek.com if interested.
- Star Trek Wrath of Khan will be back in theaters Sunday September 4th! We’ll be attending the 4PM showing at Perkins Rowe. We will be bringing flyers/business cards to hand out to the crowd.
- Do you like to do creative things? Then the STARFLEET Corp of Engineers might be for you! They are looking for leaders to help run the Corps.
Executive Officer’s Report-CAPT Sydney
- We will be forming a Trivia Team! The first outing will be Wednesday, October 12th at Tiger Paw Bar and Grill. The Trivia Contest starts at 8, but please be there by 7:30PM. Sydney will hold a table for us, but she must know you’re attending.
- Please renew! Complete list is on Discord
Second Officer’s Report-Commander Gail
- See agenda for all the items you can turn in to help charities and earn promotion points!
- Will be working with CREWMAN Julia on coming up with community service events for next year.
Science Department-CAPT Charlene
- Game Day is the 4th Saturday of the month at Gail’s. Please email for directions.
327th Marine Strike Group OIC GEN Edward
- Roleplay will be the first Saturday of September.