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STARFLEET News February 2025

From the Commander, STARFLEET

We are in the active process of updating the Style Guide/Intellectual Property Usage and the Member

SFDPP is currently open to all members. All CO’s, XO’s, BOIC’s, OIC’s, DOIC’s as well as everyone with
enhanced accesses will be required to complete the new SFDPP with a passing of 80% by January 31st
or your access will be revoked, and chapters but on standby. RC’s are working on the audit documents
with the DDPO. Please make the time to get it done so that there are no issues in Feb.

The Chief Cadet Office is in the planning stages of the new program and we anticipate a January launch.
The Clean-up of the dataset continues in collaboration with the Admiralty Board as a reminder those that
to not conform to the update information regulations may get left behind until they update. It is better to
do it now where it will take minutes vs waiting until the transition then it may take days to get you up to

From the Vice Commander STARFLEET

As expected, a host of important initiatives emerged from the most recent Admiralty Board (AB) meeting in
Q4 2024:

Two New Committees Established:
A Committee for Organizational Changes has been formed to gather and evaluate ideas for potential
improvements to STARFLEET’s structure and operations. This group will focus on exploring new
opportunities to enhance the member experience and streamline processes across the organization.

A Database Review Committee has been created to assist in making a finalized decision on our
much-needed database overhaul. This committee will play a critical role in helping us move forward
with modernizing our systems to better serve STARFLEET’s members and operational needs.
Restructuring of the IC Guide Committee:

The IC Guide Committee has been restructured to ensure that it is well-equipped to handle the planning
and execution of our annual International Conference (IC) with greater clarity, organization, and member