Next Meeting will be in person at the EBR Jones Creek Library & on the USS CORSAIR Discord Server’s Observation Lounge September 28, 2023 @7PM.
Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha
VIC feedback-Enjoyed the Auxiliary Services presentations and getting to know them better. Interview with Doug Jones was excellent. For those that missed the VIC, the videos can be found on YouTube at
STARFLEET Sciences-There is a new website and you can register by clicking “SFSCI Registration Form” up at the top
Updated Flag Promotions Guidelines & Promotion Form can now be accessed from the SFI members hub: Please review to see how to be promoted. CMDR Gail will be reviewing them to make sure the CORSAIR’s are aligned with them.
The Command Status Report for the month of July 2023 is posted in the STARFLEET Discord Channel under #BusinessOnly Channel
Petfleet Academy Challenge-will be featuring Xeno Studies to learn more about the animals and insects of Star Trek including the Truth About Tribbles, Info on Starfleet Discord Server #Petfleet
Region 3 Summit is coming up-most Command Staff is focused on that right now. MEAL ORDERS ARE CLOSED but you can still register at
E-mails: People will be reached out to if their email is bouncing or missing. For the new database (Coming soon-first quarter 2024) everyone must have a unique email address in order to login, update membership info, receive the CQ, and so much more.
Star Trek Meetup Make sure to sign up for STAR TREK Meetup Region 3
Facebook Event Poster Need help posting Facebook Events. CAPT Sydney has volunteered. VADM Trisha will get her directions on how to post and access.
Please check DISCORD! 95% of updates and news will be on Discord for STARFLEET, Region 3, and the USS CORSAIR. If you are NOT checking Discord, or aren’t on it, you are missing vital information. I can’t stress that enough! Especially Command Staff and Department Heads-I expect you to be interacting regularly with the rest of the crew on Discord, not just joining, then disappearing. You’re not also getting the full benefits of your STARFLEET Membership. There’s a TON of stuff going on that I want everyone to participate in.
Mission Briefings-please use the form Gary created. This is VERY important because in November we’re doing AWARDS!
Suggesting events-our calendar is full pretty much until the end of the year. Please give at least 5 weeks to slot in an event-this gives us a meeting to promote it and make sure people are available.
Executive Officer Report-CAPT Sydney
Please be timely with your renewals
Second Officer Report-CMDR Gail
We collect just about anything for charity-please remember BoxTops is now an app on your phone and pick A’s school St Jean V as the place to donate.
Sciences-CAPT Charlene
I watched 3 movies this month on the big screen. The Haunted Mansion is a Disney Movie and it’s fun. Nothing really stood out to make it special except that it was filmed in Louisiana. The last scene bleeds into the credits; otherwise, no post credit scenes.
DC is getting better producing films and I think Blue Beetle is an excellent superhero origin story and I’m hoping to see more of this superhero in the future. Blue Beetle’s family stole the movie and I cannot wait to see more of their antics. There were 2 post credit scenes.
Strays is a cute Adult Movie (Definitely Not for Children). There are several adult situation scenes and more cursing and “F”ing than I have ever heard in a hour and a half movie. If you are easily offended do not watch. There is 1 post credit scene.
FYI Heads Up
The Marvels release date is November 10th and there are 3 series and 2 movies that needs to be seen to prep for The Marvels maximum enjoyment viewing.
Viewing Order
1. Captain Marvel (movie)
2. WandaVision (series)
3. Ms Marvel (series)
4. Werewolf by Night (short film; old school scary; filmed in black and white)
5. Secret Invasion (series)
LTJG Gary-Membership Services/Event Coordinator
Created a new Recruiting QR Code Flow Page. VADM Trisha needs to create a flyer for it.
November 18th is our big movie and award night at Celebrity Theater! Domino’s pizza will be served. Need to pick out a movie. Discuss various methods of doing this.
LTJG Edward B. Medical Specialist
Posted on Discord about Caring for the caregiver. Taking time for self care
GEN Edward T.-327 Marine Strike Group OIC
RPG on Sunday 03SEP at 1930hrs
FLEET CAPT Gregg K-Ship Librarian
VADM Trisha read over 4,000 pages for the Reading Challenge.
Link is