Next Meeting will be August 24, 7PM on USS CORSAIR DISCORD ONLY
Commanding Officer Report
VADM Trisha
*Be sure to register for the Virtual International Conference coming up August 11-13
*New Logo! Here it is. Please use this from here on out. We will keep the existing marketing materials (tableclothes, flag, banners) because of the expense to update.
*Please make sure your email is up to date in the database! No unique email-no CQ, no voting, and you won’t be able to login. If you need me to create a email forwarder to another address, please let me know
*There is a Medical Challenge right now to take certain courses at STARFLEET Academy. Info is under #Sickbay on the USS CORSAIR’s Discord server
Region 3 News
*Congratulations to Gary for winning Officer of the Year-Region 3. USS CORSAIR took Support Chapter of the Year.
*Star Trek Meetup is Open! Sign up here for Event reminders and find out what else is happening in Region 3!
*Still have R3 Staff Openings for CFO and Event Coordinator
*Region 3 Summit in September.
*When suggesting events, please try to avoid during weekdays and also if they conflict with another existing event on the calendar. If you’re going to go (say to an afternoon lecture) please note that on the form, as we can add it then to the calendar since we’ll have a confirmed member in attendance. Nothing worse then a new person showing up and no one is there to greet them!
*Don’t forget to log your books for the reading challenge!
*Finalized a number of events
- Aug 18th 7PM Nature Night Hike and Campfire BREC Forest Community Park Thanks to Lana for the suggestion!
- August 19th 6PM Monjunis Captain’s Dinner
- September 30th 9:30(pending BREC’s Zoo confirmation)
- November 18th USS CORSAIR Movie and Award Night at Celebrity Theater
LTJG Gary-Membership Services/Event Coordinator
*Presented giveaway idea of water bottles with USS CORSAIR/STARFLEET labels on them. For Boo-maybe get small bags, attach business card with QR code for people to scan.
*Will be reaching out to USS CORSAIR members to reach out with them to make sure they’re receiving their CQ’s, know how they can get involved.
CAPT CeeDee-Sciences
*4 People at GameDay
*The Flash-good movie, especially if you like temporal mechanics.
*Barbie-Fun, lighthearted movie
*Miracle Workers-been watching that show.