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Crew Meeting August 25 2022

Location-online in USS CORSAIR Discord Server

Commanding Officer’s Report-VADM Trisha

Executive Officer’s Report-CAPT Sydney

  • We will be forming a Trivia Team! The first outing will be Wednesday, October 12th at Tiger Paw Bar and Grill. The Trivia Contest starts at 8, but please be there by 7:30PM. Sydney will hold a table for us, but she must know you’re attending.
  • Please renew! Complete list is on Discord

Second Officer’s Report-Commander Gail

  • See agenda for all the items you can turn in to help charities and earn promotion points!
  • Will be working with CREWMAN Julia on coming up with community service events for next year.

Science Department-CAPT Charlene

  • Game Day is the 4th Saturday of the month at Gail’s. Please email for directions.

327th Marine Strike Group OIC GEN Edward

  • Roleplay will be the first Saturday of September.