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Chapter Meeting Notes June 23 2022

Location-Jones Creek Library

10 Starfleet members in attendance, 2 Virtually

Commanding Officer’s Report-VADM Trisha T.

  • We will be assisting two chapters with Shakedown-The USS SANDWICH and the ISS KIDD.
    • Representing the USS SANDWICH was CO CAPT Erin P. gave us a quick rundown of the mission objectives of the SANDWICH and its a satirical approach to Star Trek and Star Trek fandom. The USS Sandwich, NX-1836, is a Miranda class starship, and is based in Charleston, South Carolina, Earth, Sol Sector.
    • She also encouraged everyone to register for the Virtual International Conference happening August 12th and 13th. There will be celebrity interviews, panels, shout outs from Star Trek Stars, and a virtual convention center with hidden Easter eggs to explore. She also asked if the USS CORSAIR could do a panel.
    • The ISS Kidd, NX-4321, is a Larson class starship, and is based in Rhome, Texas, Earth, Sol Sector, and is under the command of MGN Thomas C. MGN Tank’s XO is COL Sarah H.
  • STARFLEET Elections-There are several candidates requesting nominations. As per tradition, I’m asking the crew to weigh in on who the USS CORSAIR should submit a formal nomination for. Based on feedback, we will nominate Admiral David “Kawika” Nottage of the USS GOLDEN GATE. Reasons-strength of experience, communication outreach efforts, and his VRC Candidate is the Region 2 Regional Coordinator, Vice Adm. Ryan Case who has done an excellent job of running his Region. It’s a solid ticket in our opinion that should bring more stability (and hopefully a new database) to STARFLEET.
    • Crew-please go into the database and verify your email addresses. Ballots will be sent out to them in August, and if your email is incorrect you will not be able to vote.

Executive Officer’s Report-CAPT Sydney

  • Please be sure to renew your membership. Complete list of people due to renew is in the agenda.
  • Trivia nights-reaching out to local contact Michael Hatfield to see if we can have a sci fi/Star Trek night at a local venue. September would be a great time because of the Star Trek Anniversary.
  • Possible away missions to two new eateries

Second Officer’s Report-CMDR Gail

  • Relay for Life in Hammond is looking like it is cancelled. Might be time to find a new Relay to participate in. Suggestions?
  • Book Club is up and running again! New book is by Mercedes Lackey’s House of Four Winds

Chief Science Officer Report-CAPT Charlene

  • Game Day is at Gail’s house this Saturday. Always on the Saturday after the meeting.
  • Had a good time at Regional Summit, provided handmade gifts for all attendees.

327th MSG OIC Report-LGN Ed

  • We are always looking for new players for Corsair Chronicles! Next episode will be in August.

Upcoming Away Missions

  • July 9- Queen Nefertari’s Egypt PREPURCHASE TICKETS FOR THE 10AM slot!  New Orleans Museum of Art July 9, meet at the ticket booth by 10AM
  • July 30-7PM Captain’s Dinner at El Magey Mexican Buffet
  • August 20th-13th Gate Escape Room. Will need to pick a time and pre-payment will be necessary. We need at least 4 people and Max of 10.