February 2021 Crew Muster was held on February 25th 7:00pm. Updates since meeting in BLUE
Commanding Officer Report:
- Both the STARFLEET International Conference (Tallahassee, FL) and the STARFLEET Region 3 Summit (Beaumont, TX) have been postponed until next year due to COVID. There will virtual IC’s and Summit. That means no excuses for missing it! Other conventions are moving online as well, one great one with Star Trek guests is WonderCon Friday and Saturday, March 26 and 27, 2021.
- STARFLEET International has passed a new Membership Behavior Policy. You can read more about it here.
- We will be meeting IN PERSON WITH MASKS at Forest Community Park 2PM March 21st. Casual get together at the same pavilion by the restrooms in the back of the park.
- Application for Meeting room space has been submitted to Jones Creek Library. We will be moving our face to face monthly meetings from the Main Library to Jones Creek. ETA on beginning them again is Summer/Fall 2021.
- Is there an interest in joining the Diplomatic Corp Program?
- Manship Theater is having a showing ala MST3K April 16. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS HERE.
- STARFLEET Region 3 Regional Coordinator Update has been posted.
- 2021 Crew Census is now Available. Please take a moment and give your feedback to make the USS CORSAIR better!
Executive Officer Report:
Please renew. First name and Last initial given. If you need help, please email INFO AT BRStarTrek.com. To renew your membership go to https://db.sfi.org/secure/signup.php
- Spenser B
- Haylei B
- Bennet and Charles C
- Richard D.
- David G.
- Jayden L.
- Kayla Ann M
- Jacob M.
- Jacob and Dana R
- Steven Mark S.
- Sabrina T
- Kay T.
Second Officer-Ship’s Musician Report
- Please remember to email Gail or fill out the Promotion Point Form so you can be recognized with promotions and Merit Awards.
- Relay for Life is still on for the Fall. Please start gathering donations/gift cards to create gift baskets for a raffle. We have two already- Saints and LSU.
- Boxtops for Eduction is now online. Go here to sign up and designate “ST JEAN VIANNEY SCHOOL”.
- Still TBD on Spring Meeting of Book Club.
Marine OIC Report
- Continuing to have Game Nights on Monday 8PM and Online Viewing Parties on Wednesday nights at 7PM on Discord.
- Corsair Chronicles Roleplaying always looking for new players. Experience isn’t necessary.
Science Report
- Waiting until COVID rates decline to start having Game Days in person again.
NEXT MEETING IS MARCH 25 at 7 PM on Discord