Start Your own Away Team, Shuttle, or Chapter!

Sit in the center seat & take charge of your own ship! We’re recruiting Command Officers and crew who want to get together with other Star Trek fans to have away missions in their local area.

  • Away Team

    A small group of people who get informally get together for occasional activities.

  • Shuttle

    A Shuttle is a team of 5 or less people who regularly gather for meetings, excursions, and charitable events. Regular reporting to the USS CORSAIR is strongly suggested.

  • Chapter

    The CORSAIR's recommendation is to start a chapter with at least 8 active STARFLEET members. A Chapter (or chapter in training) is responsible for handling their own monthly reporting to STARFLEET, CO/XO must pass Officer's Training School, Officer's Command College, and the STARFLEET Data Protection exams offered for free in STARFLEET Academy.

Command Authorization Request
For the next generation of STARFLEET Command Officers to take the center seat.
What location will this new team be meeting in? Please note, if there is already an active shuttle, away team, or Chapter in the sector, we'll offer to put you in touch with them.
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